Life tips from a disorganized developer(to himself).

Life tips from a disorganized developer(to himself).

Development calls for organization, some kind of sanity that makes sense. Although it is a basic necessity, it is something most of us struggle with. There are days when you make a resolution, a solid plan and a list of todos for the day(or week) ahead. And there are days when you slack off and refuse to put even the necessary things in order.

Here are some problems you'll face if you are unorganized:

  1. You'll forget things.
  2. You'll waste your time on unnecessary works.
  3. You'll waste opportunities to earn.
  4. Your work will be substandard.
  5. Your life will be a mess.
  6. You'll be demotivated.

These problems are real and will put you in a path to hell. A path where you'll wonder why things are going against you and fail to recognize that the root cause of your problems is that you are not organized.

So, where do we start?

  1. Set a routine.
  2. Set a goal.
  3. Set an action plan.
  4. Write a journal everyday.

Most importantly, start your day with a win:

  1. Make your bed as soon as you wake up.
  2. Make yourself tea/coffee.

Science says that anything we do continuously for 21 days becomes a habit. Its kind of an automation- once you set it correctly, you don't have to worry about it. Our habits combine to form our personality.

So, if you want to groom yourself, make yourself shine, earn loads of money, inspire others and enjoy life, you better pick yourself up.

Cut the clutter and focus on your goal. Success will follow.